Notre Dame strengthens global connections through student exchange program with Tsinghua University

Author: Jessie Carson

Michael Pippenger and Hongwei Wang stand with group.

This year marked a new advancement in the relationship between the University of Notre Dame and academic institutions in China.

Notre Dame Vice President and Associate Provost for Internationalization Michael Pippenger and Tsinghua University Vice President Hongwei Wang signed a student exchange agreement, the first of its kind between the two universities.

The agreement initiated a five-year pilot program, with the first exchange students anticipated to start in fall of 2025. The exchange will consist of up to two full-year undergraduate students or four semester undergraduate students each academic year, and the program is open to all majors. Notably, there will be a series of courses taught in English by the Tsinghua Department of Electronic Engineering, an exciting opportunity as Tsinghua University is the world’s top-ranked school for engineering.

Notre Dame students who travel to Tsinghua University will not only have the opportunity to study at the #1 global university in Asia, but they’ll also have access to research opportunities and internships through the school. Likewise, students coming from Tsinghua University will be granted enriching academic and cultural experiences at Notre Dame—from studying at a leading U.S. Catholic research institution to taking part in student life on campus.

Michael Pippenger and Hongwei Wang sign student exchange agreement

The decision to establish an exchange program followed another key agreement between the two institutions. In March of 2023, Pippenger traveled to Tsinghua University to meet with Wang, and together, they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU established a relationship between the universities—one formed by “common academic interests” and a commitment to “seek to develop collaborations and exchanges in fields of shared interest and expertise.” The MOU laid the foundation for a strong and dynamic partnership between Tsinghua and Notre Dame—opening the door to future opportunities, such as faculty exchanges, joint conferences, and collaborative research projects.

The student exchange program is a direct result of the MOU and builds on Notre Dame’s connection with China, already established by the presence and work of Notre Dame Beijing, one of Notre Dame’s 12 global locations. This important move is another step forward in carrying out Notre Dame Global’s mission to strengthen global education and create integrative, cross-cultural learning experiences for students.